Many know the tragic story of the Titanic ship that sank on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. Over the past few decades, many artifacts have been retrieved and salvaged from its resting place at the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. In 2010, salvage operator RMS Titanic, Inc., accidentally, recovered a container of 400 2,000-seed “trade packages” of Primadonna begonia, which were being shipped by the German breeder Ernst Benary.
After finding documentation connecting the container packets to Benary, the company regained possession of the seeds. The mere fact the seeds were recovered from the site of the most historic shipwreck in modern history was astounding enough to the Benary team, but then came another shocking and almost impossible discovery. Gudrun Rufeger, a seed technology specialist, brought up the idea of germinating the seed to see if it was still viable. Given the fact that the container was kept at low temperatures of 32-35 F and high pressure of 5,557 psi at 12,500 feet below sea level, the seeds were preserved almost cryogenically.
Gudrun Rufeger analyzing Titanic Begonia liners. |
This one-of-a-kind recovery story does not come often for the horticulture industry, but it surely is one worth publicizing! Congrats to Ernst Benary and its [kind of] new ‘Titanic’ Begonias!
Ernst Benary - 'Titanic' Begonia |
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