Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Four Ways to Have Your Design / Architecture Expertise, Projects, Services or Architectural Products Published in the Media.

Being co-owners of an international public and media relations firm specializing in publicity for architects, designers, builders, and many products specified for residential and commercial structures, the number one question people ask us is…

“How do we have our just-completed architecture (or design-build) project or architectural products published in the media?”

Whether you have executed full press release campaigns or simply had a hand in attempting to contact an essential publication’s editor regarding your business news, you probably know there are near-countless nuances that come with pitching the staffs of consumer magazines, trade publications, mainstream newspapers, and significant journalists and bloggers.

There are rules and best practices that apply to media outreach for any type of company, and following these few, vital tips will give you a jumpstart on your public and media relations program:

1. Relevancy is Key: Editors and reporters seek and desire truly relevant news and information for their articles and other publishable content. Ask yourself (and your C-level management team) if your news and happenings hold tangible value for the media, and, for that matter, for your client or customer base.

Brainstorm pertinent information and angles for journalists – i.e., events or occurrences that will positively affect the industry or mainstream market at large; first-time architectural product break-throughs or enhancements that are (truly) significant; and, by all means, completed design, architecture or building projects with wide appeal and exceptional characteristics, to name a few.

2. Messaging is Critical: You may get one chance to connect with media members and editors at times when your company has product news or design-build project case-studies to submit. Make certain the message is on target, brand-sound, concise yet clear, germane for the editor’s audience; and is not too self-serving.

Remember, the media’s job is not to tout, hype or flaunt your news, but rather to report relational, engaging and relevant (ah, there’s that word again) information to their readers, followers or viewers. Give them the information they need to do so, while you serve as the quotable, expert and knowledgeable source.

3. Jargon is Out: If your company’s written press releases, articles, white papers, product launches, and project overviews are not crafted following the Associated Press (AP) style guidelines, stop submitting them to the media. Nothing is more inconvenient to an editor than receiving a document entitled, “Press Release” that reads and looks nothing like one.

While it is fine to incorporate industry-specific language in your releases, always write about your company, products, or services in accurate, well-founded, and unpretentious terms; and (for formal submissions to editors) always, always adhere to AP style. Otherwise, the journalist might click the “delete” key in no-time flat. If nothing else, he or she may move onto the next submission, one that follows editorial best practices and narrative content and style rules.

4. Outsourcing is Productive: If your company’s press coverage or branding publicity is under-performing, there are reasons. Usually, this stems from lack of understanding or internal resources for developing press campaigns and maintaining media contacts. Utilizing the services of an experienced PR firm leads to productive and proactive publicity. The right firm will manage communications between your company and the public (the media, your trade sectors or clients / consumers) to promote favorable relationships and portray a desired brand image.

This includes strategic communications with the community, business-to-business and / or business-to-consumer targets, investors, and other partisans. In contrast to advertising, these outsourced PR campaigns can glean exposure through public or customer / client interest and news, rather than paid advertisements, to give their messages third-party endorsement.

In closing… If you or your company leaders seek to be regularly quoted as experts in the publications and websites your customers, clients or prospects read…and your products or design or architecture projects are missing out on promotion or publicity, contact us for a free assessment of your integrated public / media relations needs.

Don Eberly and Jeff Collard

Co-owners / Founders, Eberly & Collard Public Relations

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